Important Enrolment Information
Prior to Enrolment we need to provide you with certain information.
As an RTO, we are required to provide you, prior to enrolment, information on the following:
Training Services
Information on training services provided by Spencer College is available from the college’s website, via phone or in written format. Prior to enrolling into your chosen course, ensure you have a full understanding of the structure of the course. If you have not seen or read information regarding the requirements of the courses, you should not submit this form until you have done so.
To complete this course/s, you are required to successfully complete all the required assessments. Assessments of units will be conducted at various times throughout the course and will include both theoretical and practical components. Additional assessment processes will be explained to you during the course or can be provided to you by the Spencer College. Should you have any additional questions regarding your assessment process or have any concerns please discussed these with the College.
RPL is offered by the Spencer College. Should you wish to undertake RPL please speak to the college prior to enrolment.
Support Services and Special Needs
Spencer College will take every possible action to ensure it support you throughout your training and assessment process. If at any point throughout your course you require assistance or support, please discuss these needs with the college or your Trainer and we will do our best to help you. If you have any special needs, including language, literacy, numeracy, mobility, visual impairment or hearing, or any other disability that could limit your ability to undertake the course, please notify staff prior to enrolment to allow us to cater for your needs. If you do not tell us of any condition that may affect your learning, we will not be able to assist you if the need arises. This may impact on your ability to finish the course.
Your Rights
As part of your training and assessment, you have various rights. Please refer to the Student Handbook for more information. Spencer college wants to ensure your time spent with us is both beneficial and enjoyable. If at any point you feel harassed, discriminated or feel abused, please notify the PEO of the college immediately either face to face, via phone or in writing. If you feel you need to complain about any aspect of service or training and assessment you may do so in writing. Appeals on any decision made by the college may be lodged with the PEO and must be done so in writing. If required, you can gain access to your records by contacting the PEO of the college.
Code of conduct
At all times students’ conduct whilst studying and training with Spencer College must not inhibit other students from learning in a safe and suitable environment. Cheating of any kind is prohibited and could result in expulsion from the course. DHA maintains that all overseas students must maintain satisfactory attendance and progress levels and failure to do so may result in the termination of study and loss of your Student Visa. Any student found to be involved in activities that contravene Australian Law would automatically be dismissed from their study. Students must pay all due fees as agreed and failing to pay will result termination of studies.
Media Release
At times during the course, staff / contractors of the Spencer college may take photos/video for use in promotional activity. These photos / videos will remain the property of the Spencer College and will not be sold to any third party. Some of the media may be used for promotional editorials and other marketing materials in public and professional publications and other such media. By signing this form, you acknowledge your acceptance in participating in such activities. Should you wish to view or purchase copies of any such photo/video outside the normal distribution, this request should be made in writing to the PEO.
Rules and Regulations
To graduate from your enrolled course, you must be able to fulfil the following obligations:
- Demonstrate to the trainer and assessor through attendance and assessment, both formal training, theory and practical assessment that academic and professional skills have been obtained to a satisfactory level.
- Satisfy all academic, administrative and financial obligations to the organisation.
You must promptly notify the Spencer college of any change of name, address and contact details and notify the PEO of anything that may stop you from completing the course. You may be suspended or expelled from the college at the PEO’s discretion for:
- failure to uphold or maintain any of the Spencer College's Policies and Procedures
- Serious misconduct or breach of legislation